Renew Studio Membership

Select Studio:
Member Number:
Member Start:
Member Expiry:

Studio Details

Studio Name:
PO Box:
Street Address:
Post Code:
Mobile Phone:
Work Phone:
Email Address for Stripe:


I declare that:

  • The owner/operator of this studio is a PAA member of sufficient level for the Pilates sessions offered (Group, Studio or Professional level instructor). Or, an Associate Member if ineligible for a teaching membership.
  • The majority of Pilates teaching staff in this studio are current PAA instructor members of sufficient level for the Pilates sessions offered (Group, Studio or Professional level instructor).
  • All Pilates teaching staff
    • will adhere to the rules and regulations of the individual PAA membership.
    • will abide by the PAA recommended client to instructor ratios
  • The studio has appropriate procedures for assesssment of clients and record keeping
  • The studio has appropriate public liability and professional indemnity insurance for the business and workplace.

The owner/operator agrees to abide by all rules and regulations of PAA studio registration

The owner/operator has read and agrees to adhere to the PAA Code of Conduct

Applicant Declaration

I hereby declare that I have answered all questions honestly and to the best of my ability.
As a registered studio we agree to uphold the Pilates Alliance Australasia's high level of quality and integrity within our studio and instructors.

Purchase Items:

Online Payment

A handling surcharge applies of 1.85% + $0.50c

**A Merchant handling fee applies**

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